"the reason i'm sharing this story is because we all have something that we're resisting. maybe it's true love, or self acceptance, or real healing, or real grief that we've avoided for years and years. we all have traumatic experiences that we work hard to make sense of. i'm learning that perhaps those experiences are the absolute only and exact experiences that have the capacity to open our hearts when what we most want to do is close them. perhaps those experiences, however confusing and hurtful hold wisdom inside their broken pieces. perhaps they are the only experiences that could ever really show us our real selves and provide real healing and real connection to the people in our lives who love us. perhaps we wouldn't be blessed with all that we have and know and see without them happening exactly as they did. there are so many layers....so many."
Acredito que o partilhar das dores pode ser mais que um lamuriar queixoso ou self-pity. Que há algo de positivo em dizer que dói, quando dói.
Pensei que ja que já não tinha acesso ao teu blog. É bom ler-te outra vez! Ainda bem que estás aqui!
Sofia (mãe da India e da Luna)
Ó Sofia, que saudades vossas, pá!
Quando voltam cá?
Ferias do Carnaval!
ReplyDeleteEsta prometida a visita desde ja! Pensei que te tinha "perdido"...q que bom que continuas a escrever :)
Beijos e saudades!